Recently married, Personal trainer in demand, top Physique competitive bodybuilder, major fitness model and writer of the best fitness blog....Eric Turner has an army of admirers—who often behold him in the altogether, or almost, since he’s repeatedly called upon to model in racy underwear ads—may be surprised to know that he started out his adult life very, well, clothed. A surprisingly shy Utah native, Turner, 31, was a devout Mormon who not only spent two neck-tied years on a bicycle as a door-to-door missionary, but who also once trained others to do so.
It was in some ways his religious upbringing that inspired his devotion to fitness. “Your body is a temple,” he reminds. But his association with the Mormons ended badly. “I made whoopee with a boy and was excommunicated,” says the 6-foot-1, openly gay Turner, who later made his way to Houston to be with his then-boyfriend.
Recently married  to MornĂ© Coetzer....his wedding was in Capetown, South Africa.  He and his new husband are traveling a lot [all over Europe] But he’s also staying in Houston, where his fitness career has really taken off.  He’s in demand at River Oaks’ popular Fit Athletic Club, and he turns up regularly in fitness and fashion magazines here and abroad. Plus, he’s recently entered the bodybuilding arena, and won a major meet in Dallas, the 2012 NPC Ronnie Coleman Classic in March, in the new “physique” category. So far Eric has participated in the following contests
        • 2012 Ronnie Coleman Classic - First place
        • 2012 JR USA's - Second place. 
        • 2013 JR Nationals - Fifth place. 
It’s been a long road for Eric, who's taken 10 years of relentless dedication to get his body into its current show-stopping shape—which, by the way, he shows off this year in a revealing new beefcake calendar featuring former Mormon missionaries as Mr. March.  It's so cool that a one-time Latter Day Saint would strip down so easily for the camera; and Eric says “It celebrates, for me, the hard work that I’ve done,” and he notes. “One day I’ll be able to look back and say, ‘Damn, I had a nice ass.’”
Turner’s Hots 
Deadmau5, barbell hip thrusts, front squats, David Sedaris, Lululemon, pizza dipped in ranch dressing (“I’m a fat girl trapped in a muscle body”), voting
Turner’s Nots 
Potholes, Kardashians, mayonnaise, Abercrombie & Fitch, intolerance

Note: Check out Eric's fantastic Fitness Website: for the latest in fitness tips and muscle building.  Also Eric is currently training for and plans to be in Chicago Mid-June: competing as a Physique Competitor.


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