GREG STEVENS 2013 #TopTenFitHotGuy

Greg in sexy hot Diesel Tank Top
Greg in tight Muscle Shirt

Greg Stevens is my favorite blogger, but if in today's digital age there is more a 'Renaissance Man' than Greg please tell me about him or her.  Even though he calls himself "I'm just some guy", he's really so much more.  Of course,  he's an incredible writer and has a fantastic physique.  If I had a 'Best Pecs' contest, Greg would win hands down [sorry Greg Plitt].  But check out his blog and you will see sections on so many subjects and Greg is articulate in all of them!

He lives in Dallas, Texas with his partner.  Once on his blog I asked Greg if he was married?  he said:  "no, but I have a partner; but Texas doesn't allow us to marry".  So well put and he is a tremendous advocate for gay rights and many causes.  If you visit his blog he will often be online and chat with you.

My personal experience was so much fun and his responses often make you question everything about what you believe.  Once on Google+,  I witnessed his discussion with someone about whether "Atheism" is a religion; and it was very deep and philisophical.  Greg is a very smart guy and a real intellectual.

But probably my favorite part of his blog is his artwork {since I am one] which you can view at Deviantart.  It is an awesome collection of Digital Art, Drawings and works of Fantasy.  Above is one of my favorites which Greg calls "The cats of the moon".  It reminds me of the artist Edward Gorey.

My next favorite is his Fitness section.  Greg was a bodybuilder in college and gives great online advice about steroids and bodybuilding techniques.  He mentors several young bodybuilders steering them in the right direction.  I go on there often and you can follow them and their questions and Greg's answers.

Greg's Blog :

Greg in his favorite [and mine] Plaid Shirt

Greg in his 'Tron' costume

Greg's Twitter:


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