Recently, I received from a favorite photographer friend of mine, John Falocco, several images of a hot new male model, Rob Eco; along with his bio info. Rob is a New York City native. and he is a fan of all things beautiful. Looking at these pics, he definitely believes in taking care of himself. He is a fitness enthusiast and ISSA certified personal trainer. He finds pleasure in training personally as well as helping people change their own lives through diet and exercise. Having love for what you do translates into success. He began modeling several years ago and have shot with some of the finest talent NYC has to offer including Jin Wang, Carlos Arias, Harol Beaz, Mike Schmit, B. Charles Johnson, Richard Rothstein and more. He is gaining experience and is clearly looking forward to adding to it. Rob finds that being in front of the camera to be exciting and rejuvenating. He is familiar with fitness, fashion, editorial and commercial. Always looking to shoot with new ta...